Thursday, September 27, 2012

TJ's Commissions: Be a Disney Princess.

Ah! Today will be a peek at a personalized header commission I completely a while back.

Pearliology is a Beauty Guru on Youtube and I got to know her via my sister Cilla. She is a huge Disney fan and she wanted to have herself captured as one for her header. Of course, I said "Yes"

So obviously I went a bit in stalker mode and checked out her blog. A header space isn't that big, so I had to keep in mind what I wanted to paint as I didn't want lots of details to go missing. However, it was clear from the start that there had to be one big princess Sarah, as all Disney princesses have their moment of prettiness on a poster. Then after a bit of research I decided to add 3 little princesses. 1) She loves to snap pictures as much as she can (and her blog is filled with lovely peeks in her life), so because of this I chose to have one mini Sarah holding a camera. 2) She loves slushies! 3) Disney princesses always seem to have cute birdies around them (and then they burst out into singing...)

I don't have a whole lot of pictures this time as the design was pretty straight forward and the sketch was right in one go. I wanted to add frames around the 3 little princesses, but decided to leave them out in the final sketch as it would take up too much space. Also on the original I hand-painted "Pearliology"

She absolutely loved it and hearing this just makes my day! It's always a challenge to create something that the client will love, but so far the response I get is way beyond amazing.

Little updates:
1. YAY! The SOS Sahel painting is sold during the auction! The lovely Betty Dravis is the proud owner of the Goddess of Nature and the painting is on her way as I type this post! She is a writer AND a celebrity interviewer (she interviewed Clint Eastwood back in the days. How COOL is that?!) and if you're interested to see her work, please go to her site, Betty's Dreams.

2. All the giveaway prizes are on their way to their new owners! AND there will be a new one up in a week or two.

3. I'll be doing some major redesigning of a lot of things soon, but I will update you accordingly when the time is right.

Thanks for reading lovely readers! Till  next time.

Monday, September 10, 2012

TJ's WIP: Sahel the Goddess of Nature

Hi Everyone!

In my previous ramble update, I spoke about a painting that I couldn't show you, but now with the auction coming up on September 16th, I can! A bunch of you have already seen the painting floating around on Facebook, but I thought a few more peeks would be fun to stare at!

I didn't had a real idea of what I wanted to paint. I only wanted to incorporate a sense of freedom. How vague does that sound huh? Haha. Either way, I googled some references and came across one with the pose you see below, I think that printed the reference as soon as I saw it as I can't find it anywhere on my laptop! Either way, I was immediately drawn to it and decided to use it as a base.

Sketch, sketch! I drew the lady on a smaller scale first and after scanning, I drew her on an A4 size paper. I had a vague idea about the background and flowers where the only thing floating in my mind. I decided to only focus on the lady first.

With colored pencils I drew the flow of the water and then I started to add layers of paint. I also got a better idea of the background, but looking back... it was kind of a big risk that I took. I started to drop colors, like blops of greens, blue and a mixture of various colors to create a nature background...I seriously had a few moment where I though "Now why the %*^&* did I do that?!"...

At this point I was also thinking "Ehm...this doesn't look like something I'd normally paint...", so I proceeded bugging my sisters and asking if it was looking okay. I usually just have to keep on going when I reach this stage of pondering haha. So that's exactly what I did...

Excuse the light. The day turned in to evening before I knew and I was working in the living room and the light gets pretty crappy for pictures there. As you can see, I started to bring out the flowers and grassy areas at the front and soft, misty bushes and trees in the back.

Final touches!! Some sparkles here and there!! She just had to have some sparkles haha.

Voila! The Goddess of Nature is born ^_^. I hope she brings lots of luck to the cause and that she goes to a good home as well. The illustration is done completely with watercolors and a touch of black, pearly and gold ink. The size is 30 x 25 cm.

My painting and many others, will be auctioned this upcoming Sunday, September 16th. As soon as I know more about the auction details, I'll mention here, Facebook & Twitter. All proceeds go to the cause and I will be shipping the painting. So the buyer can expect a lovely TJ package ^_^. For now you can read more by going to this article "Countdown To Song of Sahel Auction". You can find more art over there as well!

With this, I shall leave you...

Till next time, everyone!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

TJ's Giveaway: And the Winners are...

Hi Everyone!


I shall keep this post short and simple and go straight to announcing the winners. So what I did was the following...I threw your names on my drawing desk (couldn't find my Magic Hat -_-) and these were the ones that I picked out:

Ms. Nicola Ellen
Ms. Maylin Gonzalez
Mr. Dailybeerreview
Ms. Dani Heart
Ms. Katy Kern

Congratulations!!! *throws around with confetti and ribbons* I'll be contacting you in the upcoming days. To everyone else, please do NOT be disappointed. There will be a new giveaway very soon as an important date is approaching (my...birthday.) and I always do a giveaway to celebrate this with you all. I am already pondering about the price! ^_^

As for the questions, I replied to most questions in the comment section. However, some questions do deserve their own post, so stay tuned for that. I will be tagging you on Facebook, Twitter or send an email if I answered your question in a post, so you will know when it's...well answered hehe.

This is it for now. I think my next post is going to be either a new commission post (got a few lined up for you all to stare at!) or a rambling lots of stuff in my draft folder for you.

Enjoy your Sunday!
